Global Vision Kingdom Builders
Uniting Visions Across the Globe
Kitonzi Children’s Village
Everyone knows how things are on the rise regarding cost. Materials and labor costs have
almost double in a very short time period, leaving many without the resources to either
begin or complete projects for the low income communities. If you are going to have a
class, you have to have a classroom. Consider what part you might play in the lives of
young people in these areas hereto fore crippled by poverty, sickness and corruption.
Global Vision Kingdom Builders is an open and honest vehicle to helping build a nation of
young, intelligent and hungry to learn children.
Kingdom Builders Church
Moses Sabika, pastor of Kingdom Builders International
Church, is a true disciple of God. He is a prayer warrior,
builder of many churches, and evangelist for the lost. My
partnership with him started in 2023. His passion for the
lost and hurting inspired him to create a program for
teenage pregnant mothers.
Ministry is a life long calling and obligation
Few understand ‘calling’. The sacrifices involved in answering your calling aren’t evident at first, but soon, the reality of what is taking place and what is
being asked, takes hold and the realization comes into full focus. That’s the turning point of every servant called by God into the ‘fields white with harvest.
You either go… or you stay. The arduous task of a true servant requires a dedication and a commitment few possess. Those ’real’ servants experience
the highest highs and the lowest lows and yet, they still continue to serve.