StudentsGod created each one of us unique and wonderfully made, with a grand plan for our lives that includes love, joy, peace and understanding. Global Vision recognizes the individual and looks for the gifts and talents in each child as a way of both understanding and helping to develop the very best in each ones life. Special care is taken in deciding just how to reach each person on a level they can understand and respond to. No one is left out of activities or opportunities to excel and everyone gains a sense of belonging. Being a part of something that is growing and thriving lends itself to positive outcomes and attitudes alike.
Teachers and Staff
No matter how much you might pay a teacher or an Administrator, they still have to “teach”. The quality of that instruction depends on the dedication and skill the person has achieved in their own learning process. Most students gravitate toward an ‘inviting’ personality that shows an interest in the student and is willing to explain things in a way that everyone can readily understand. GVKB puts higher learning as one of its top priorities, and strives for excellence in the classroom on every level. The children are the future leaders and parents of the future and it will take the best effort on our part to insure the success of each child, giving them the best chance for a better life.
School Building ProjectsEveryone knows the cost of building things has gone up. Materials are at an all time high and labor has followed the upward trend as well. Children still need to learn and they need a place to do that. Global Vision Kingdom Builders is reaching out to anyone interested in seeing these wonderful young lives have the chance to better themselves by getting a decent education. Teachers are a rare breed and they often go into places where the facility is only a mud building or a shed covered in palm fronds or discarded wood and tin from abandoned structures. Join with us in providing adequate, inviting classrooms that encourage learning and set the stage for our future leaders to succeed.
Education is the cornerstone to success for young lives
Some say economy ranks higher than education on the priorities list but Global Vision Kingdom Builders has a far stronger case for ranking it above economic growth. We believe that learning is key to success in the classroom and in the board room. No matter how much money you may have, knowledge trumps that every time. The old addage that says, “Give a person a fish and they eat for a day. Teach a person to fish and they can eat for a lifetime.” That wisdom has proven itself to be right for decades. Global Vision Kingdom Builders believes in ‘teach a person to fish’.